Density aside, this created an issue with parasitic capacitances since, at those dimensions, the parasitics can be a non-negligible fraction of the explicitly drawn capacitance. So I made an attempt to create a generic formula to calculate the effective capacitance for any arbitrary number of series capacitors. I failed at this.
What I did come up with was a series of equations for different numbers of capacitors. For example, assuming a drawn capactiance of $C$ and a parasitic capacitance of $C_p$ I generated the following equation for three series capacitors (generic diagram for “N” caps below):
++C_{eff} = \frac{1}{3}C\left[ \frac{1}{1+\frac{4}{3}\left(\frac{C_p}{C}\right)+\frac{1}{3}\left(\frac{C_p}{C}\right)^2} \right]++
I did this for a few other variations and saw a semblance of a pattern but just couldn’t quite generate that ubiquitous general expression I wanted. Unfortunately, schedule pressure forced me to abandon the idea…until now.
For some reason I decided to dust off the ol’ notebook to take another crack at the problem and believe I solved it. My problem was treating the parasitic capacitance as a unique variable rather than as a multiple of $C$. This, in retrospect, is obvious when looking at my equation above since $C_p$ only ever appears ratiometrically with $C$. So I plugged away in octave and created the following program to generate my desired sequence:% Brute-force method of calculating effective series
% capacitance for 'N' series capacitors.
% Kevin Fronczak, 2019-09-03
NMAX = 30;
a = 0.1; % Cp/C
C = 1;
% Initial values
CA = C*a*C/(C+C+a*C);
CC = C*C/(C+C+a*C);
y(1) = 1;
for n=2:1:NMAX
y(n) = n*CC/C; % Ceff = delta * C/N so just print delta
C3 = CA + a*C;
CA = C*C3 / (CC + C3 + C);
CC = CC*C / (CC + C3 + C);
This is a very brute-force method to figure out the effective capacitance. But it works.
My next step was I took my hand calculations from before and looked them up on the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences to see if I had a match…and eureka! I did! The first hit was sequence A030528 which looked promising, but not quite what I was hoping for. After some further searching, I found the result for the Riordan array: A128908 which seemed to have the structure I wanted. It is a binomial function and my formula should look like this:
++C_{eff} = \frac{C}{N} \cdot \frac{1}{1 + \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=2}^{N} \binom{N+k-1}{2k-1}\cdot\left(\frac{C_p}{C}\right)^{k-1}}++
Alternatively, without the binomial notation:
++C_{eff} = \frac{C}{N} \cdot \frac{1}{1 + \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=2}^{N} \frac{(N+k-1)!}{(2k-1)!(N-k)!} \cdot \left( \frac{C_p}{C} \right)^{k-1}}++
This result is not really intuitive, but it’s complete. And this makes me happy. Below is a plot of what I call the Error Coefficient ($\alpha_C$). Basically, this just condenses the equation above into
++ C_{eff} = \alpha_C \frac{C}{N} ++
++\alpha_C = \frac{1}{1 + \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=2}^{N} \binom{N+k-1}{2k-1}\cdot\left(\frac{C_p}{C}\right)^{k-1}}++
And for posterity, here’s the Octave code I used to generate this plot:% Series capacitance errors using Riordan array
% Kevin Fronczak, 2019-09-03
NMAX = 35;
a = 0.05; % Cp/C
C = 1;
% Initial values
y(1) = 1;
for n=2:1:NMAX
denom = 1;
for k=2:1:n
coeff = nchoosek(n+k-1, 2*k-1);
denom = denom + coeff/n * a^(k-1);
y(n) = 1/denom;
Now, how do I prove that this is actually a closed-form solution? Well…I don’t really have a formal proof. BUT! I can simulate this for a bunch of different values of $N$ and compare it to our result. I did this for two different values of $\frac{C_p}{C}$ up to $N=9$. The solid blue line indicates the calculated series, while the red circles are values from a SPICE simulation.
So…yeah. Kinda neat, eh?
There’s a pretty neat outcome when you set C=Cp, which reduces our $C_{eff}$ to the following:
++C_{eff} = \frac{C}{N}\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=2}^{N}\binom{N+k-1}{2k-1}} for C=C_p++
If you start to plug in various values of $N$ (and keep the result in fractional form) you start to see a familiar pattern emerge:
++\frac{C}{1} for N=1++ ++\frac{C}{3} for N=2++ ++\frac{C}{8} for N=3++ ++\frac{C}{21} for N=4++ ++\frac{C}{55} for N=5++ ++…++
Anyone even cursorily familiar with the Fibonacci sequence will notice that the denomiator of that result is just the $2N^{th}$ Fibonnaci number! So for the special case of $C=C_p$, the equation reduces to a very simple:
++ C_{eff} = \frac{C}{F_{2N}} for C=C_p++
Which is, as I mentioned previously, pretty darn neat!